
$6.95 Flat rate USA shipping (to Continental USA)

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?
We have several locations and orders will ship from either our Pennsylvania or New York warehouse.
How fast do orders ship, and when can I expect my order?
Orders are usually processed and shipped within 24 hours. Time in transit varies and depends on where the product is being shipped to. Please see the Processing and Shipping sections for more information.
I'm not sure the color I'm looking at is exactly what I want. How can I be sure?
We try our best to upload the color profiles to as close a possible match as the real thing. Unfortunately, due to every monitor being calibrated differently we have no way of guaranteeing that the color you see is exactly the same shade you will get. For that reason we have uploaded several profiles in different formats for all of our colors. Please see Our Colors for that information.
I'd like to see if you can customize a certain product for me. How can I find out?
Try us! With an extremely creative staff, we customize many products and can create a unique theme or package for your next party. Contact us for more information.
How are you able to offer products for MUCH cheaper than anyone else on the web?
We are the retail sales branch of a large supplier of many of the products we offer. This means that we are selling to the people that are selling to the people who you would typically buy this from. Consider the savings of having saved two mark-ups and you?ll see our price advantage.
I need my order by a certain date. How can I know that I will definitely have it by then?
Before submitting your order, please contact us to alert us to any special circumstances or needs.